Unintentional delay in processing CompTIA Voucher delivery.
Due to the recent updates & upgrades by CompTIA, we are experiencing delays in processing the CompTIA voucher delivery since Thursday, May 24, 2018.
CompTIA has recently upgraded all their websites, softwares,payment modules & reseller modules on Thursday, May 24, 2018. Their new updates and revised policies are causing unintentional delays in processing all CompTIA Voucher orders those were placed after May 24th. We are constantly in touch with CompTIA to process all the pending orders which was 183 vouchers since last Thursday, as of today we could only receive 79 vouchers from CompTIA which have already been delivered to the customers. However we are still behind in delivering 104 vouchers at the time of writing this news article.
The delays however are caused by CompTIA themselves in processing voucher activation requests. We are trying our best to get the remaining vouchers from CompTIA as quickly as possible, but beside the updates & upgrades, the long weekend has created additional problems. As we aren’t getting any replies to our emails and calls, as CompTIA office is not open during weekends & local holidays.
Considering the underlying situation, all the pending 104 voucher orders along with the new orders received after this article is published, will most probably be processed on the coming Tuesday that is May 29, 2018. We deeply apologize for this unintentional delays in processing the CompTIA orders, and we are hopeful CompTIA will soon figure out a way to fix these issues, so that we can restore our normal delivery services for CompTIA Vouchers.We thank our customers for their great sense of understanding & support.
Highest Regards & Thanks
Team VoucherPlex